1. Login as user(Renter).
2. Navigate to Profile(at top)--persona profile(at left)--Income tab.
3. Fill the mandatory details: and click in Next Button. It should save the information and take You to the "Landlord and agent Reference" tab.
4. Fill the mandatory details in "Landlord and agent Reference" tab and click in Next Button. It should save the information and take You to the "Other Information" tab .You can also give Current address information , if current address is not same as past home or rented address By clicking "No" .
5. In "Other Information" tab, Fill mandatory details and click in Next Button. It should save the information and take You to the "Right to rent" tab.
6. In "Right to rent" tab, You can say "Yes" or "No" to the following required documentation :
- UK / EU / Swiss Passport
- EEA / Swiss National ID etc by toggle button.
7. In "Upload Documents" tab, You can add one more document with document name By clicking "Browse" or "ADD more" respectively.
8. Clicking n "save and verify later" or "verify now " button, You can able to save the information and verify the details later or now.
Note: For invalid data it should give error message. If you give "Manager's Email/Accountant's Email " Then "save and verify later" or "verify now " will send a email to that Renter's Manager. Renter's Manager can give "Complete Reference" By that mail to RentOnCloud. If past home or rented address of renter is same as current Address then "save and verify later" or "verify now " will send a mail to Landlord/Agent's Email . Landlord/Agent's can give "Complete Reference" By that mail to RentOnCloud .