1. Login as user(Landlord/Renter/ServicePRO) .
2. Navigate to profile(At top)--Account settings(at left) page. It should show the following fields :
- Currency:(dropdown).
- Select Time zone:(drop down).
- Time format: option : a>Am b>Pm.
- Select date format: Dropdown: a>DD--MM-YYYY b>YYYY--MM--DD.
- Unit of Measurement: option: a>Imperial b>Metric.
- Export data button.
- De-active Account.
- Delete Account.
If You Change Above setting then it will reflect in all pages of the Your profile and Your corresponding information. You can change the above to reflect in other part of Roc.
3. You can export all data to his email address by clicking export. it should give a confirmation message like "Your data will send to your email Within 7 working days."
4. You can de-active the account by clicking de-active button but You can come back and login / reactivate account for the same email address later on. it keeps the Your information in roc.
5.You can delete the account by clicking Delete button. You cant reactive the account with same email address. All his data will be deleted.
Note: Is You select date format as YYYY--MM--DD then Your profile should show date in YYYY--MM--DD format in other part of the roc.