1. Login as Landlord/Renter/ServicePRO. 

2. Navigate to Profile(top right corner)--User role(At left). You can see the following in user role page:

  • Viewer: With a>Invite tab and b>Previous Invitation tab.
  • Portfolio Manager: With a>Invite tab and b>Previous Invitation tab.
  • Account: With a>Invite tab and b>Previous Invitation tab.
  • Support: With a>Invite tab and b>Previous Invitation tab.

3. Click in Viewer/Portfolio Manager/Account/Support  tab . Give email address and click "Invite User" Button.  You can Invite others as in invite tab by giving email and invite button.

4. You  can see the invited people in Previous Invitation tab with following Colum :

  •  Email. 
  •  Status 
  •  Invited on 
  • Action: With 1>Revoke

Note: The invitation will send a mail to that user and he/she can access Your account as Viewer /Portfolio Manager /Account/ Support by Accepting that Invitation in mail. You can Revoke the Invitation by clicking "Revoke".