1. Log in as landlord and Navigate to Menu(At left)-->Fix it-->task.

2. Click in Add Task.

3. Add all information in :

  •  Location.  
  • Category
  • Task Details. 
  • Attachment tab.           

4. Click in Post/Save Draft. It will Create the task as new or drafted  and it will be shown in list view of Menu(At left) -->Fix it-->Task. Status of the task will be open. The task will be shown in one of : 

  •  All. 
  • To-do. 
  •  In progress.
  •  Complete.
  • Archive tab.

it will be shown as according to task status

5. Login as ServicePRO and navigate to Menu(At left) --Fixit-->Task or Menu(At left) -->Find it. The task will be shown as list or grid view respectively

6. In grid view ServicePRO can View details or Make an offer on that task by clicking "Task details" or "Make an offer". Clicking in task details will  show the following :

  • Details. 
  • Message.  
  • Offer of that task.

7. In list view Click in the task. The task details will come. The task will be shown with 

  • Details.
  • Message.
  • Offer.

 Click in "Make an offer " button. It should Show a pop up window to write The price and Message. Click in Submit.


8. Log out from ServicePRO.

9. Login as Landlord. Navigate to Menu(At left)-->Fix it-->task. Click in "accept the offer". You can also reject it by clicking Reject button

10. There Will be a model form which will validate the money to ServicePRO saying "Do you like to authorize the money to ServicePRO". Click in Yes .There will be a stripe  form. If stripe account is there then it will Reconfirm it otherwise it will save the stripe account . The  stripe window will lock that money to ServicePRO for some days. It should save the card details under profile-->Profile info-->"Bank & card" tab( if card details are not saved earlier. otherwise it will reconfirm it).  Status of the task will be "In progress".

11. Logout from Landlord.

12. Login as ServicePRO and navigate to Menu(At left) --> Fix it-->task . Click in View Offer and Add details. Click in "Mark Task As Done" . Click on Request Sign off button.  You can do the same by  navigate to Menu(At left) -->Find it-->Task details . ServicePRO can Update the offer also by Clicking "Update Offer" Button.

13. Task status  will still in “in-progress” and action button will be disabled and should state “assigned”. Under offer tab , ServicePRO will see button label text "Awaiting payment" after ServicePRO has submitted form 'Mark as Done'.


14. Logout as ServicePRO.


15. Login as Landlord.  Navigate to Menu(At left)-->Fix it-->task. Click on Action icons-- View offer or click in that task. Click on View Task Completion Data. It should  open the completed task page. Click on Release payment. It should release the payment at that time. A message should pop up saying payment has been released. Status Of the task will be "Completed". 

Note : ServicePRO can Filter/search  the task at Menu(At left) -->Find it. If login as Landlord and create a task with Pay owned by Renter then It should show a pop up window with message "Please ask your renter to create this task from their side!"

Landlord can see multiple Offers from different servicepro and can select one of them. Rest of the offers will be automatically rejected.

Landlord can edit the budget By clicking Action Icon-->Edit. "You" , "each owner of task"  and others will get notification of each task workflow at Notification section (at top) .

All the notification will also appear in messenger and you can see notification by clicking messenger icon (at top ).