1. Log in as Renter and Navigate to Menu(At left)-->Fix it-->task.

2. Click in Add Task.

3. Add all information in :

  • Location.
  • Category. 
  • Task Details .
  •  Attachment tab. 

4. Click in Post/Save Draft. It will Create the task as new or drafted  and it will be shown in list view of Menu(At left) -->Fix it-->Task. Status of task will be Review and post. It will send a notification to landlord to review and post.

5. Logout from Renter. 

6. Login as Landlord and Navigate to Menu(At left)-->Fix it-->task.

7. Landlord should see the task in To-Do tab with review and Post status. Landlord should able to do Task Work flow with this task. In the end, Payment should be released. A message should pop up that payment has been released successfully .