1. Login as User (Landlord).
2. Navigate to menu(On left side)--Property page. In Grid view there should be 4 types of Action Icon(Edit/List/Move in/Occupied/Archived) at right bottom of every property with vertical dots.
3. Click in Edit/List/Move in/Occupied/Archived. Then click in Submit for edit.
Edit: it will open same wizard form from next slide, the opening of tab. It will open same wizard form from next slide, the opening of tab logically to open tab where last saved. In most cases “Detail“ tab. If property was already ‘Rented’ then it should open at last tab of ‘Add Listing ‘wizard.
List: It will list the property.
Move in: should open a 'Agreement' module function under 'Tenancies' . It will make the property Move in and status of the Property will be Move in and it will show in Paused tab .
Occupied: It will make the property Occupied and status of the Property will be Occupied and it will show in Paused tab
Archived: It will make the property Archived.