1. Login as User (Landlord/Renter) .

2. Navigate to menu(On left side)--Fix it--Tasks. Add a task--after approval workflow when Landlord/Renter pay the money then the service charge of RentOnCloud will be deducted from Landlord/Renter account and rest of the money will be added to ServicePRO and ServicePRO can see that money In Menu(At left)-->My Money section . ServicePRO Can do stripe connect if it is not connected in Profile info. Later on service pro can do bank transfer the money to his bank account by clicking bank transfer button.

3. Login as Landlord. Click on Settings. Click on Subscription.
Click on Billing. Should be able to see billing related to the task with escrow payment. Logout as Landlord.


RentOnCloud  will charge to ServicePRO for using our platform - it is 10% service of offered price + VAT 2% of on Service price. Example: £100 offer price here Service Charge will be £10 and VAT £2. So net in hand ServicePRO will earn £88. Once Task-owners accept tasks, system will check firstly whether ServicePRO Profiles are connected with Stripe Connect. Secondly it will check whether Landlord has already Card details authorized and saved under account. Landlord will get a modal Stripe checkout form to authenticate amount under RESERVED (on HOLD). Once ServicePRO has completed work and clicks on 'Mark as Done' and Task Owners releases payments - this results to two scenarios

1. Where ServicePRO has opted for Stripe Connect express while at signup - £88 will be directly released to ServicePRO account and £12 service charge including VAT will be transferred to RentOnCloud  main business bank account. 

2. Where ServicePRO has not opted for Stripe Connect express account, in this case £12 service charge including VAT will be transferred to RentOnCloud  main business bank account and £88 client money will deposited to separately designated RentOnCloud  TransferWise bank account. After that once ServicePRO put a manual request of money withdrawal transfer from 'My money' dashboard then £88 will be sourced from dedicated client money business account to ServicePRO Business account given in withdrawal request form. (Note - in withdrawal request form sort code and account number details are validated with loqate GBG API for correctness of input).