Login as Landlord. Navigate to Menu(at left)--Inventory.  

Landlord can add new "Generic inventory" by clicking "New Inventory" button . It will open "New inventory" page. In Generic Tab of "New inventory" page  Landlord can give general Information of Inventory in Generic info tab. In other tab(Like living room etc) Landlord can give other information of inventory. The only difference between generic tab and other tab, is that generic tab is for all and other tab are specific to that type of generic inventory like 1>entrance 2>Living room 3>kitchen etc.

The other information of inventory will be like 1>Entrance 2>Living Room 3>Kitchen 4>Bed room 5>Toilet 6>+New room 7>Notes 8>Preview 9>Signatories.

Add above information and Click in Save Button. It will save the inventory. Landlord can cancel the inventory by clicking cancel.

Landlord can delete/duplicate new "Living room " inventory by clicking Delete or Duplicate button. .

Landlord can upload photos of inventory in other tab (Like living room etc).The "saved inventory" will be shown in list view of inventory. 

Landlord Can Add more room By clicking +Newroom tab. 

Landlord can add notes and Signatory by clicking notes and Signatories tab. Land lord can See the preview in pdf In Preview Tab. After Saving the information landlord can see the inventory in List view and it wil be shown to landlord only but when landlord sign and send the inventory to the renter, it will be shown to Tenant/renter's document storage module .
